Pooja Hegde reacts smartly to troll asking her of a naked picture

 A troll recently asked Pooja Hegde to post a naked pic of herself on Instagram. While it was a fit case to show irritation, the 'Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo' actress replied smartly.

She took to Insta stories and posted a pic of her feet. "Nange pao", the 'Aravindha Sametha' star wrote, meaning 'bare feet'.

The Bollywood-Tollywood actress has been busy with films on her hand. She will next be seen in 'Most Eligible Bachelor', which rumouredly is skipping its release this Summer. Starring Akhil Akkineni, it is directed by Bhaskar.

On the other hand, 'Radhe Shyam' with Prabhas, too, will hit the screens post-Summer. Pooja is going to have a colourful second half of 2021. She is also doing 'Cirku's in Hindi with Ranveer Singh.

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